Yes, WHIPPED coffee. This delicious beverage is the perfect way to wake up your brain and your taste buds.

It's incredibly easy and the most delicious thing ever. I honestly first hopped on to the whipped coffee bandwagon because my French press broke and currently in Spain we are on a complete lockdown, therefore I cannot buy a new one. Don't get me wrong, I do love a fresh cup of black coffee in the morning, but this gets my iced coffee and caffeine fix in one!

2 tbsp instant coffee
2 tbsp brown or coconut sugar
2 tbsp boiling water
~1/2 cup plant milk
All you have to do is place the coffee, sugar, and water in a bowl and whisk it together until it forms a thick whip. If it is an electric whisk, it will only take two minutes or so. You can whisk it by hand but it will take much longer. Method in the video below!